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ADVENT ADVENT III – A (kind of) Christmas tale

Once upon a time there was a brother and a sister, their names were Hans and Greta, they lived somewhere in Hamburg with their father and his new one in a really puny, not cool at all apartment for one hell lot of money. Truly, Hamburg’s housing market is a real mess. Punishing the little guy, let me tell you ... But well, where was I ...? Oh yes…

.... ADVENT BAKING WITH NUTELLA .. Adventsbacken mit Nutella ....


It’s finally underway! Let’s get cozy, and let’s get baking. 

Maybe a few biscuits? But what was the recipe again?

Before I heard of this one, I’d have to look every time anew online for a fitting recipe. Yet this one is so easy! Pay attention:


Jetzt geht’s endlich los! Nun wirds gemütlich. Und es kann gebacken werden.

Mal eben ein paar Kekse vielleicht? Aber wie war noch das Rezept?
